Day 29: March 1

Day 29: March 1

That makes it sound like I am a challenge loving person but I’m really not.  I'm just a person who loves to do things with other people. I’m 

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Day 27: outdoors as a sensory experience.

Day 27: outdoors as a sensory experience.

I am aware of what my body needs - active, upright, arms swinging motion. I notice there is a tone to my walk - purposeful, present, confident.  I notice the openness around me, the cleared sidewalks and roads, the clouds are softening, lightening up, revealing a soft blue sky.

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Day 24: Outdoors even for a little bit

Day 24: Outdoors even for a little bit

Luckily there was snow between the houses that hadn’t been shoveled so I bundled up and headed out to do that. Amazing how even a few minutes of outdoors time can lift my spirit. 

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Repost:Day 23, 2023 Something amazing happened.

Repost:Day 23, 2023 Something amazing happened.

Yesterday may have been the greatest day of my life! Okay, I'm probably exaggerating but something truly amazing did happen. 

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Day 22: Today’s challenge-leave the phone at home.

Day 22: Today’s challenge-leave the phone at home.

So one day, to the surprise of myself and others, I deleted my social media presence. I disappeared from the internet. I cancelled my phone plan. I would take the bus around the city without the distraction of my headphones. I had to actually look at the world, instead of down at my phone.

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The Importance Of Community

The Importance Of Community

But today I woke up and everything was quiet, and covered in a blanket of snow. When it snows, the mountains become hidden, and it gives me a funny feeling, as if the mountains got up and left!I know that discussing weather can be a boring topic, the most basic of small talk, but it is really one of my favourite discussions to be had

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xsmall 3-6 months
small 6-12 months
medium 12-18 months

large 18-24 months
xlarge 2-3 years
xxlarge 3-4 years

small 6- 12 months
medium 12-24 months
large 2-4 years


xsmall 6-12 months
small 12-18 months
medium 18-24 months
large 2-3 years
xlarge 3-4 years